Monday, January 28, 2013


When your skin is exposed to an excessive amount of sun
The skin may began to peel away 

When your body is exposed below the waist
The opposite sex show signs of acknowledgement in the face.

When you have been exposed to "gangsta" rap 
You use to be enlightened in a way
Now days it makes you want to buy a gun , or slap a "ho" in the face.
If you do everything your favorite rapper may say
What a weak minded reality you carry that day.

When you have been exposed to the history of your ancestors 
Do you become bitter?
Or do you feel blessed enough to consider

how far our generation has come from the word "nigger"
When you have been exposed to death 
Do you yourself begin to rotten or decay ?
Or do you take in with a newly profound respect
the importance of each day .

When you have been exposed to drugs ..
Do you search for a needle to poke ?

When you have been exposed to Obama ..
Does that necessarily mean you've obtained hope ?

When you have been exposed to poetry and spoken word ..
Do you feel the need to have expression?

What can exposure do to you?
There lies an honest question .

When you have been exposed to nothing but unhealthy relationships since adolescence..
Do you wish for more?

Or when you have been exposed to losing 
Do you wish to settle the score?

When you have been exposed to failure
Will there ever be a opportunity for success ?

Can exposure to discipline 
make your life look a mess  ?

What can exposure do to you ? There lies the honest question .

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Move on child..

I expected you to feel the same 
To get the same uncontrollable butterflies when you heard someone mention my name 
Reciprocate ; All that I had gave.

Instead I waited for silence.
Telling my mind to ignore the doubts .
I have no answer to why I did it or as to why I love him ..
I just do.
I should have never told you .
A closed mouth does not get fed 
But what does these spoken words of love get me instead ?
This feeling, these emotions, this heart.
For some ironic reason, I had figured I conquered the "hard part" .

Never assuming  this could be the end of all ..
All of which was so very beautiful from the start
I realized I cannot force you to feel no more than I could force your heart to heal.
Plus that's just not my style..
My minds simple words of advice to my heart  "Move on Child" .